
Yahoo!'s Konfabulator site up with download!


From Digg.com

Found this while guessing URL's on yahoo's site. They have a full site already up for Konfabulator which was turned over to Yahoo!, they also have downloads up for both Windows and Mac.

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Add a Monitor via USB!!!

No need to put in a second video card or even a new one for that matter. Just plug in this USB adapter and hook up that extra monitor you've been meaning to make into a fish-bowl.

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Top 75 Security tools

Via Digg.com These are not my comments.

Like the title says; Insecure.org's top seventy five security tools. All the usual suspects (Nmap, Nessus, Ethereal, Snort, etc.) plus some nice ones that never came up on my radar before. Though Yl33tMMV

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Email Buttons For Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail And More

Via Digg.com These are not my comments.

This Site Allows You To Generate A Cool Button With Your Email Address. It Generates For Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail, And Much More. Works Great For Websites And Blogs.

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Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:Gmail Delete Button - All Releases

Add a "Delete" button to Gmail's interface. This is a compiled version of the Greasemonkey script located at the homepage listed. Please install only one or the other.

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:Gmail Delete Button - All Releases: "Add a 'Delete' button to Gmail's interface. This is a compiled version of the Greasemonkey script located at the homepage listed. Please install only one or the other."

Estimating Realistic Project Deadlines

Open Loops: Estimating Realistic Project Deadlines: "Estimating Realistic Project Deadlines"


Joel's Last Day...

Well, today is Joel's last day an Gizmodo. Sorry to see him go but hey when you actually have to "make-up" ethnic and professional groups to slander because you already used all the others, it's more obvious than the writing on the other side of the wall*.....

*Angel Light Allows Crazy People to See Through Walls : Gizmodo

Here's his "c-ya" post.
Mob Storms Gawker Media's Castle

Really Nice JavaScript Marquee

A step-through of the process.
Web Projects: JavaScript Marquee v3.0 @ The Ruins of Morning

BOFH Quote of the week...

Always back a man with a big hammer.
-BOFH 7/24/2001

Bastard Satisfaction | The Register: "Always back a man with a big hammer"

IBM officially kills OS/2, suggests switch to Linux

Let us all pause for 1 minute of scilence.

Via Digg.com These are not my comments.
BIG BLUE has hammered the final nails into OS/2's coffin. It said that all sales of OS/2 will end on the 23rd of December this year, and support for the pre-emptive multitasking operating system will end on the 31st December 2006.

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Refreshing a web page automatially

To make your web page automatially refresh put this line in the header.
The "content" value is a seconds value.
< meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300" >

DIrtY MIRT (Do It Yourself Mobile Infra Red Transmitter)

Just the thing for our "Now" society (USA) harmless, enviromentaly safe, and possibly illegal...

I-Hacked.com Taking Advantage Of Technology -
I-Hacked.com Taking Advantage Of Technology - DIrtY MIRT (Do It Yourself Mobile Infra Red Transmitter)

Free AMD Case Stickers!

Via Digg.com These are not my comments.
For those of you that don't know, AMD does ship you their case stickers for free! Simply fill out the form, and AMD will ship you case stickers for free within a few weeks!

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Great Free Wallpaper site

Via Digg.com These are not my comments.

This site is along the lines of digitalblasphemy, except for the fact that it is free. I have been going there for a few years now, and his work only gets better.

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Unreal media Streaming Server

Very small, very efficient streaming server if you have a need for that sort of thing.

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FREE PodCast recording software.

It's a software application that will help you produce and record your podcast. Record voice, efects, markers, jingles, etc. PodProducer is totally free!

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TheOpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software.

TheOpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software. The programs run in Windows and cover the most common tasks such as word processing, presentations, e-mail, web browsing, web design, and image manipulation.

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Office Problems Resource

MrExcel Message Board :: Index

Carry On Coding: Hack: Simple TODOs Tracker v1.1

A very nice (and i think 0-footprint) and small program for to-dos.

Carry On Coding: Hack: Simple TODOs Tracker v1.1

Onload image fades without Flash | clagnut/sandbox

Onload image fades without Flash | clagnut/sandbox

Google Toolbar for Firefox now available for download

Google has just released its toolbar for Firefox users. Head on over Google's site for the download. The Google toolbar for Firefox features SpellCheck, AutoLink (US only), AutoFill, and a WordTranslator

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Use GMail as a personal organizer

GMail offers an extremely powerful system of filtering e-mail messages. By using a combination of GMail tags and filters, you can create an extremely useful personal organizer system right in your inbox.

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